Named after the mythical Greek hybrid composed of different animals, Chimera /kai-mir-ah/ Lab embodies the fusion of diverse elements. Chimera Lab is where past and future meet, a nostalgic daydream recalling the early Internet days in a humoristic and lighthearted spirit. It’s an antidote offering a whimsical escape from the often overwhelming real world.
Chimera Lab is a project crafted by Liana Paberza, a Latvian-born fashion designer and artist based in Copenhagen, Denmark. The journey to Chimera Lab began in 2019, but its distinctive aesthetic truly took shape after her graduation from the Master of Fine Arts program at The Swedish School of Textiles.
With the rapidly growing developments in AI, Liana’s focus area and thesis were centered around the implementation of AI text-to-image tools and print development. The findings brought out an intriguing visual language in the expression where analog and digital worlds meet - forging a hybrid reality that encapsulates the zeitgeist of our era.